2025 short term
mission trips
We view missions as something all Christians are called to do, however we truly believe if you are seeking God, there is no better place to encounter Him than through the act of serving others. As we seek to be faithful to our church mission to GO and MAKE DISCIPLES we see this being done in three key areas; first Our local CHURCH, second Our local COMMUNITY, and third Our WORLD. You will find many opportunities to jump in and serve in all of these areas, whether it be local or maybe a short term mission that will take you out of Indiana, or maybe even an international mission that will take you out of our country. Whatever it is we pray that you find a place to serve!
Domestic Missions
Adult mission
Date: Coming Soon!
Location: Beverly, KY.
Age: Must be 18
Cost: $425 per person
Register with the church office.
Questions - missions@trinity-tlc.com
For more information visit Red Bird's website: